Our tradition

We are a congregation of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church


To be “Evangelical” means to believe in the importance of sharing the good news that, because of Jesus Christ, the re-creation of the world as God always intended has begun. This is a reality first experienced very personally, through his extraordinary forgiveness and cleansing for the things we’re least proud of, and by the new motivation he provides for becoming the people we long to be, and he always intended.

“Presbyterian” refers to our institutional governance. It’s a Biblical model of elders recognized through congregational election who, along with pastors, exercise the highest responsibilities of the church. Just as individual Christians understand that they are brothers and sisters in this life with Christ, so also individual congregations are connected to others in the same way and meet together in formal conferences to think through and enact policies that effect our mission and relationships in the world.

Being Presbyterian also means we make sense of the life we experience as a church in the Boston region through the lens of Reformation theology. Martin Luther began it, John Calvin took it further as did others, such as Scotsman John Knox, but each contributed to a reformation of the Church according to Scripture. This historical and theological heritage is often expressed in the “solas” (Latin) or the “alone’s” of the Reformation – God’s grace alone as the only way to be reconciled to God, faith alone as the only means of receiving God’s grace, Christ alone as the ground of God’s saving grace, Scripture alone as the only infallible authority for belief, and ultimately, God’s glory alone as the ultimate purpose for the lives of men and women.

Our Presbyterian community believes in historic Christianity as taught in Scripture, and looks to the Bible as our authority on the moral issues of our lives, and accepts the reality of sin, salvation and judgment. We hold these convictions with charity toward others and prefer not to major on minor issues.
